What is innovative business model?
How did we manage to increase our clients' revenue by $1,000,000,000?
Important only
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finding solutions that others might not even have thought about
retail, telecom, IT, HoReCa, development, energy, medicine and pharmaceuticals, education, transport, industry
in fact, we know how and why to use innovations - artificial intelligence, IoT, Big Data, ecosystems, extra revenue
we do not leave you halfway to the achievement of business goals
experience of entrepreneurs in creating meaningful business and real work solutions
How to bring a business to a new efficient trajectory quickly?
2-3 weeks
from 4 weeks
from 3 weeks
1-2 weeks
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It's all about a unique team of experienced consultants and entrepreneurs
Our team references
Extra-services and new VAS development
for Eastern Europe national mobile telecom operator


  • The fourth national operator began operations in a highly competitive environment.
  • The low-cost operator’s strategy required support in the form of revenue from value-added services, especially new non-standard services.
  • The share of revenue from non-tariff services must be at least 5%.
  • It is necessary to ensure the implementation and operational support of new solutions


  • Complex market analysis, competitors and the current VAS state of the company.
  • Strategic dimensions for B2C and B2B business models were determined and an analysis of industry trends and business cases by dimensions was carried out.
  • Conducting cross-functional strategic session to discuss possible directions for the development of non-tariff services.
  • Long-list of services initiatives was created and prioritized based on complexity and potential impact.
  • Estimation of financial and non-financial effects from initiatives.
  • Developing of cross-functional working groups with the involvement of external contractors to implement new services.
  • VAS and extra-services revenue was increased to 6% of total revenue in the first 12 months (50% average margin)
Transformation of the business-model of a business real estate company
due to COVID changing patterns of offices usage


  • The client is one of the biggest owners of class A office real estate in Moscow, performing asset management, real estate management, and property management at their facilities.
  • The client’s business model is becoming obsolete due to structural changes in the industry - a premium location is no longer the only competitive advantage in the fight for a tenant.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed necessary market trends by increasing office vacancy.
  • Need to create priorities and initiatives to improve the efficiency and business of the company and priority steps to implement initiatives.


  • The analysis of the Russian and international markets, trends was carried out and the key challenges facing the market players and the client were formed.
  • Measurements of business models of companies in the industry were determined and an analysis of industry trends and business cases by dimensions was carried out.
  • A strategic session was held - brainstorming, initiatives were formed and prioritized to overcome challenges and develop the company
  • Transformation strategy was created including transformation of service model, rental and non-rental revenue sources.
Professional communications strategy 
for the national Portugal electricity utility


An electrical utility is rethinking its professional communications system:

  • To reach new levels of efficiency
  • To completely eliminate engineering paperwork
  • To enable guaranteed emergency response
  • Have integrated situation management
  • Client is considering a TETRA based solution


  • Analyzed in-depth the professional communication need of the client, segmented the needs on basis of business impact and security
  • Analyzed and forecasted the global/EU trends in professional communications
  • Made a thorough review of available and planned solutions
  • Proved several needs segments as excessive and downsized and streamlined the original ToR for the system
  • Developed the target system requirements and a detailed implementation roadmap
Non-tariff revenue development
for Europe’s biggest residential real estate management company


  • Growth in revenue from basic services is limited by an agreement with residents, as well as government regulation.
  • The share of revenue from non-tariff products and services was less than 1% and was formed by single B2B, B2C and B2B2C products and services
  • Need to analyze current non-tariff revenue sources and identify mechanisms for increasing their sales and marginality.
  • Create a portfolio of new instruments of non-tariff revenue, which will ensure its growth up to 10% of total revenue
  • Provide implementation and operational support of new solutions


  • SWOT analysis of the market, competitors and the current state of the company.
  • Conducting a strategic session to discuss possible directions for the development of non-tariff instruments.
  • Develop an action plan, prioritize tasks, prioritize initiatives based on complexity and potential impact.
  • Estimation of financial and non-financial effects from initiatives.
  • Developing of working groups with the involvement of external contractors to implement new services and products.
  • Developing of a B2B customer base.
  • As a result of implementation, non-tariff revenue was increased to 10% of total revenue in the first 12 months.
  • The average margin of new products and services was 63%.
Shopping and entertainment malls network growth strategy
after post-pandemic revenue drop (Eastern Europe and Russia)


  • One of the biggest in Eastern Europe development and management company with assets holding leading positions in various regions (including in Russian Federation).
  • Dramatic drop in rental and turnover revenue due to government anti-COVID restrictions.
  • Fast online retail development and changes in the consumption model of the population
  • Need to analyze current revenue sources and to find potential growth areas.
  • Create vision, long-term goals of the company, prioritize development directions, roadmap and support to realize the strategy


  • SWOT analysis of the market, competitors and the current state of the company
  • Conducting a strategic brainstorming session to discuss possible directions for business development
  • Development of an action plan, prioritization of tasks and their prioritization according to the complexity of implementation and potential effect
  • Calculation of financial and non-financial effects from initiatives
  • A new strategic vision of the company has been created
  • The company’s strategy for the development of rental and non-rental revenue has been developed
  • EBITDA growth up to + 7.5% YoY
Web-based consumer services
for Portugal green field telecom


  • A new (green field) telecom operator and Internet provider is being established in Portugal.
  • The business plan is to create a strong B2C contender in fixed Internet and a viable rival to The Mobile 3 (TMN, Vodafone, Optimus) via a virtual operator model
  • The task at hand is to develop the optimal configuration of services and ensure fast and efficient launch


  • Team analyzed and segmented the Portuguese market, based on an innovative needs-based segmentation with extensive use of big data technologies
  • Identified unique requirements of target segments and products configured: fixed and mobile voice, Internet plans, convergent products
  • Developed a practical roadmap that enabled launch and product rollout in record time
  • All B2C products were favorably accepted by the market and demonstrated fast uptake, reaching a market share of 10%-25% depending on product.
International Portuguese-speaking world communications product
focus on Angola, Mozambique and Brazil


  • New telecom operator in Portugal developed plans to reach out into the Lusophone world with telco products


  • Team developed an optimal product format (tariffs and service agreement) aimed at African and Brazilian population in Portugal and their families in respective countries
  • Extensive research in Angola, Mozambique, and Brazil enabled team to fine tune product characteristics
  • Ericsson-based platform was developed and launched
  • Product became the most successful Africa-oriented telecom plan in Portugal for 10 years, received consumer awards
Omnichannel strategy for a global mobile group
in the Iberian market and Latin America


  • A global mobile operator realized the need to change its approach to sales and revisit the channel mix
  • Consultants hired to develop a new sales channel strategy aiming at superseding competition in sales effectiveness
  • The Iberian market to be used as pilot, its strategy to be applied to several other markets (Latin America)


  • Team did a thorough analysis of customer behavior, decision making, and, subsequently, resulting conversion and retention, with the use of advanced digital tools
  • Channel attractiveness map was developed, detailed Subscriber Acquisition Cost (SAC) and Customer Retention Cost (CRC) models developed for every current and potential new channels
  • Special discussion was held on direct vs. indirect channels with financial implications of a lean in either direction
  • Target channel map was developed and a detailed roadmap to implementation designed
Pioneering fin tech solutions - mobile payment systems
in Portugal and Brazil


  • Mobile operators in Portugal decided to jointly develop the first mobile payment solution in Europe
  • Consultants were tasked with developing the solution and launching it in Portugal and define external markets and plans to enter them


  • Team developed an innovative product concept based on financial transactions over USSD protocol. This was the first such product in Europe using mobile verification and error-free transaction support
  • IT architecture based on Eversystems platform was developed and successfully launched, MPay product being the first of its kind commercially working in Europe
  • Under the name Passaporte Brasil the platform was transferred and successfully launched in Brazilian market, also being the first of a kind in the South American continent

Technology strategy for a global low-price mobile leader
in Eastern European markets


  • European mobile provider needed a clear understanding of the forthcoming network investment in new Eastern European markets, including Russia
  • Key issue at hand was the need for a speeded-up or rather slowed\staged approach to mobile data rollout and, consequently, the technology roadmap to be employed


  • The centerpiece of the work was the forecast of data use requirements for the upcoming 5 years in the target market, based not only on the history of more advanced markets, but also on in-depth research in target populations
  • The analysis led to a rather voice-centric development that enabled an efficient investment roadmap
  • The forecast proved correct, having enabled the most efficient technology strategy for the operator

IoT strategy for an integrated operator
in Eastern Europe


  • Corporate Strategy included a high potential development area in M2M\IoT
  • Consultants hired to develop a detailed strategy in the IoT area, specify segments to play, products and services, identify key customers


  • Forecast of IoT services demand over the Strategy horizon from all industry verticals
  • Identification of target segments and sub-segments to serve in the key verticals
  • Identification of value chain elements where the Operator can play most effectively
  • Development of target products and services map to serve the key segments
  • Investment plan development
  • Strategy implementation roadmap

Infrastructure and transport sectors strategy
for the government of Azerbaijan


  • The government of Azerbaijan put forth a program to boost transport infrastructure and enhance the country’s income from cargo transit
  • Consultants were to develop the detailed and actionable strategy to reach the transit targets and ensure optimal purpose-focused investment


  • Project team forecasted the relevant world trade flows and developed scenarios for specific cargo flows through the republic of Azerbaijan
  • Team defined specific parameters of required infrastructure and developed investment plan and financing structure of the relevant infrastructure projects
  • Team developed the target organization of the Transit Authority and detailed key support systems, HR requirements
  • Detailed launch plan was approved by the Azerbaijan government in January 2020 and is now being launched

Strategy for boosting investment attractiveness
for a major transportation company in Central Asia


  • The government of Kazakhstan developed an ambitious program for logistics industry development on the basis of China-Europe trade
  • The country’s # 1 container carrier was to carry out the task of boosting transit revenue and building infrastructure
  • Consultants were to work out a detailed strategy and roadmap to attract Chinese and European cargos to the route through Kazakhstan based on the modern logistics infrastructure and services


  • Team ran a detailed analysis and developed innovative segmentation of logistics services customers in China, South East Asia, Iran, and Europe, defined drivers to switch from deep sea to inland rail transport
  • Marketing campaigns and detailed customers segment strategies were developed
  • Investment objects were defined and described, resulting in coherent infrastructure build up and services rollout plan